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    The exhausting trail of an impulse shifts from the plane of the virtual, the possible to the material and quantifiable in the rare moments when it’s uniform journey is interrupted, when slips, errors, appear as disruptive situations. In these moments energy is stored uneven and unstable, volatile, and when the impulse snaps, it freezes it’s movement, it’s dynamic potential becoming an unexpected and tense body, it’s presence is  defined by exhausted structures as coiled traps, the impulse is exposed here as a body cruelly looked in a inescapable fragility whit the smallest quantity of stability, offered almost as a complete futile , as  a trick, by an outside force that wanted to do more harm to the impulse than good . Thru this tricky and twisted material context, and it’s interior meaning, the impulse achieves a permanent and perpetual state of confrontation, or at least of a calm but childishly unnerving tension derived from a preparation towards an inevitable confrontation, one that the impulse, it’s meaning, and in the matters of the larger picture: the spirit, is the total and all powerful acceptance of the realization of it’s desire: to prepare for and to confront it’self whit it’s nude and powerful body, and to live only as this, as an almoust ‘autistic’ state, one however that has nothing in front of it, and everything in it’s back, everything that is knows, consumed, respected and evolved.

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